Thursday, March 15, 2007


I see her on my way to work. She is there everyday. Walking aimlessly. Dressed in complete rags. Her hair, unkempt and disheveled. She walks two steps forward then stops, turns back and walks the other way. Repeating this for quite some time. This is a daily ritual. All of a sudden, she mumbles something to herself and nods her head irritatingly, as if in an attempt to disapprove any thoughts that must have crossed her mind that instant. Then the very next second she smiles. The most innocent of smiles. Some beautiful and happy thought seems to have found its way into her life, if atleast momentarily. The sight of her kindles many a question in my mind, to which probably i will never know the answers. These questions make me sad. Who knows, the answers could have been even worse. There is a strong gust of wind which sweeps the dried leaves on the path and dust into the air. A tiny particle of dust enters my eye. I close my eyes and dab it with my fingers thinking, damn the wind. I open my eyes. But she is not in sight anymore. She is gone , as if the wind swept her away. But the questions have made up their mind to stay. I say a little prayer for her and walk away. But i can already feel a gloom settling over me. I try to force out the unpleasant feelings, i try to think happy thoughts. It is awfully quiet on the roads. or maybe the clutter of thoughts in my mind has shut down the external voices from reaching me. As i walk further, i see a squirrel scampering about near the roadside bushes. I see a thicket of the wild Datura, the colour lavender catches my eye. It has always been a colour of my liking. The thoughts seem to have subsided just like the gush of the wind. I take a deep breath, smile and move on to face another day !

1 comment:

Ketan said...

This seems to be one of your earliest blogs and I can clearly see why you miss she simplicity of (your) childhood so much. You were more content with life and were open to allowing others' lives making their presence felt. Somewhere down the line, you turned more and more "inwards". The more things we come to know of in the world to be there, the more things we come to know to be not in our possession. I could be deluding myself that I got to witness your journey first- hand, but it's been a beautiful journey (or delusion, if you may choose to call), and wish it stays beautiful. TC.