Monday, April 16, 2012

An elusive paradise..

You looked into my eyes and i saw my world in you. A world i have always longed to be in. But then i looked away. For you see, i cannot leave this world too.

I asked you what love is. You said it is what you feel for me. And then i fell into an even deeper abyss. For you see, i am yet to learn to fly, on the wings of love.

You took me in your arms and for a moment, i forgot my existence. I forgot who i was. It almost felt like a dream, almost... But then i stepped away from your embrace. For you see, i am yet to believe in dreams.

You kissed me on my lips and i quivered within my soul, a war raging within me. But then i turned away. For you see, i am yet to decide which side i am fighting for and against, in the battle within me.

And every time i looked away, i broke within, into pieces i haven't picked up yet. Torn between what is and what could have been. Torn between a moment and an eternity. Torn between the real and the unreal. Torn between the warmth of your breath and the icy coldness of the distance. Torn between you and me.

A whole new universe within this moment, a dream within a dream. And yet, it felt so real. How could that possibly be?