Sunday, April 8, 2007


You only see what your eyes want to see,
How can life be what you want it to be?

I love this song by Madonna. I could never quite figure out, what exactly i like about this song. But somehow, it appeals to me. I like it all the more, everytime i hear it. These two verses of the song tell a true tale. We as humans, in reality, tend to see only the picture we wish to, what we choose to. The rest, we conveniently try to overlook, almost. Most of the times, even the opinions we form of individuals or the feelings we have towards them, is nothing more than the mere reflection of what is conspiring in our minds about them. We try to overlap the image we have conjured over the existing reality. But in doing so, we drift away from the fact that we are actually forcing ourselves away from the true picture and what appears before us, is just a mirage!


Ketan said...

Ah well, at last something with which I could disagree! I per se don't want to disagree with the overall idea of our molding reality according to our wishes. But, there are indeed objective facts involved even in origin of conclusions reached through judgement, so as to say. If I notice a person constantly trying to show me down, it's much more pragmatic to conclude that the problem is with that person (maybe jealousy), rather than trying to find some miscellaneous flaw in my own conduct or character (say, inefficiency). Judgements can go wrong but we can't escape judging if we're to safeguard our interests.

Just Me said...

You are indeed correct in your own way. But i would still hold on to my point which has been my experience most of the times.

Ketan said...

More plainly, I just wanted to know did acquiring greater experience in life change your conviction in this regard, as may happen with a few people as well as convictions. I got my answer. Just thought how I put it earlier had a margin for misunderstanding. TC.