Tuesday, December 4, 2007


We only get hurt as much as we allow ourselves to be...not more, not less...Then why is it that we still feel the pangs of pain now and then?...If it was all so easy..if it was really a matter of us not letting the pain seep in..., how come it hurts so much every now and then...


Ketan said...

I of course don't know what pain you were talking about, but let me try to tell you a few things.

Each time we desire or aspire for something, we actually end up putting conditions for happiness. We effectively tell ourselves "I'll make it a point to be NOT happy unless and until I get this or that or if things don't turn out to be this or that way." In the proceess we those things pass us by that'd have otherwise made us happy had we not put up those conditions. I won't pretend that it's so easy to bear pain, but this view might just help split life into simpler units.

Quite possibly your pain might have subsided, and my comment would be irrelevant. Of course, it could also be irrelevant if you were talking of tooth ache or ankle sprain! TC.

Just Me said...

I do somewhat agree with your train of thought there !

Ketan said...

It'd be more interesting if you'd have dealt with part that you disagree with. :)