Thursday, September 27, 2007


दुनिया की इस भीड़ में भी,
जाने कितनी तनहाई है
इन्सां तो नज़र आते हैँ पर,

लगते जैसे परछाई हैं

कोई आवाजें देता हे,
कोई कोमल मुस्काता हैँ
इस मन बहलाती कोशिश में,

जाने कितनी सच्चाई हैँ

हर कोई चलता जाता हैँ,
अपनी धुन, अपनी मस्ती में
जाने किस मंज़िल को पाना,

हर इक दिल की चाहत हैँ


Ketan said...

The more I read your blog, the fewer answers I seem to have. The answer to this question is plain simple, not at all sensational--it's evolution (sic). All animals are supposed to feel a desire to live, survive and reproduce. If they don't, the species will perish.

A more humane answer would be--all of us are addicted to life. However painful it be, but life's a given. Life is the basic premise around which we make decisions, dream, regret, plan. It sounds stupid, but if there'd be no life, there simply would be nothing. And I can't myself conceive nothingness, so of course, can't explain. Sorry. And what can't be conceived or explained need not be considered. TC.

Just Me said...

"Fewer answers" to what possible questions?

Ketan said...

I interpreted your poem to have one question--why do people want to live? I answered it on that assumption. Excuse me if my interpretation was wrong. :)

Just Me said...

It was more towards the apparent hurry, turmoil and chaos that our lives seem to be in, to reach the so-called 'destination', whatever that might be!

Ketan said...

I took the last two lines to mean what purpose is driving people to do all the things mentioned in the poem. Excuse my refering to those lines in such technical way, but I've no choice since I'm typing from cell phone, I don't want to type Hindi in Roman script.

Okay, so I think I took a much broader view of those lines. If you don't mind, and have time, I'd be glad to have your comments on my blog, though the quality of my writing is not as good as yours, and I've touched upon entirely different issues. TC.

Just Me said...

I'd be glad to read your posts and post my thoughts :)